A Brief Family History


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 I had met my grandmothers sister when I was very young, one of my older sisters took me to her home to visit. We were there what seemed like a very long time to a young child as I was at the time.
Well my great aunt gave my sister this book, at the time I didn't know what it was. But in my early thirties I learned that it contained some of our families history in that book. I  now have the book in my hands and have a great intrest in finding out more information on other branches of my family.
    There is a passage written in the begining of this book I am guessing it was written by my great aunt and some of the elders in the family. The passage reads like this:::
The Genealogy of the Gershom, Fenn Families
complied by:
Esther Urslala Fenn, winifred Fenn, Mrs.  ruth Hollistie,Mrs. J.West,N. Lincoln Fenn.
   The first that is known of the Fenns in this country was Benjamin Fenn, who owned a large estate in Dorchester and alyesbury, England. Leaving all to a younger brother, he came to this country in 1630 on the ship The Mary and John with GovenorWinthrop to Milford and was the assistant Govenor from 1665 untill his death in 1672.
      He married Sara Baldwin before coming to America. Sara Baldwin baptized April 22, 1661. and died April 29, 1663.  Benjamin then married Susanna Ward March 12, 1664.
Benjamin Fenn , second baptized in  Milford September 20, 1640 he died in 1689.His wife was Mehitable Gunn daughter of Joseph Gunn.
 They had a son  Thomas Fenn who married Christina(last name unknown) on October 10, 1744  and dies in 1769.
Their son Joseph Fenn, born September 14, 1745, married Esther Smith February 10, 1770.
 Their children were::: Gershom, Giles, Harriet, Elizabeth, Archibald, Ralph, Guy Carlton, Hannah,Lucy, Pamelia and Pholony(twins)  and Sally.
   Gershom when a young man moved to Plymouth Connecticut. He married, Elizabeth Curtis September 17, 1793. Gershom was a taylor by trade, and after leaving Plymouth, lived a few years in Watertown Connecticut, where his 3 oldest children were born. From there he moved to Washington Connecticut where his 7 other children were born. They lived in the house where Mr.Miller of Gunnerd lived and many of his decendents lived as well. Gershom died on June 16, 1854 and his wife Elizabeth died on June 16, 1854. Their children were, Hannah, Jotham Curtis, Horatcio, N. Bennet and Betsy (twins) Mary, Jane C, Laura Curtis, Sophia,and Fredirich Gershom.
    This is the begining of the book that was given to my sister when I was very young. After all the writ ing it starts with Thomas Fenn and gives some birth dates and some death date, marriage date it lists children. I asked my sister about the book afew times and she never searched for any information. So one day we got to talkin and I asked her if I could have the book  and start searching. I started just with the names I found in the book and just tinkered around with searching for the first few years, and now I have lots of documents and records and a file cabinet full of searches and it is just so much fun to learn about the past...  Now I gues I can add my name to the list of ladies that started this book.



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I asked all of my living relatives for permission to include information about them on this site. Some did not want their information published on the web, and others preferred I not include certain types of information (for example, birth dates). In all cases I have respected their wishes.